The city of Yogyakarta is
situated on Java Island, about 500 km southeast of Jakarta, the capital city of
Indonesia.As the capital of Yogyakarta Special Region Province, the city has
about 32.5 km2 area with a total population in 2004 of around 398,004 and
population density of 12,246.28/km2 (National Socio Economic Survey,
2004). The city of Yogyakarta has a long and rich history, documented in
Indonesian literature. It was founded in 1755, when the Sultanate of
Mataram, which had been in existence since the 8th century, was divided by
the Dutch East India Company (VOC) under the Treaty
of Giyanti into two parts: the Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta
Hadiningrat, with Yogyakarta as its capital, and Surakarta
Hadiningrat, with Surakarta as its capital. During the
Indonesian National Revolution (1945-1950) Yogyakarta played an important
role in countering the aggression of the Dutch after World War
II . As one of the ancient cities in Indonesia, the spatial
development of Yogyakarta can be traced from its ancient origins to the
most recent developments [2].Kraton, or the Sultan's palace, is the centre of
the citizens’ activities in the social political, spiritual and economical
spheres. It has public squares in the North and the South and a mosque in
the West (known as Kauman great mosque).There is also a traditional
market nearby (later known as Beringharjomarket). During its
development, the location of the kraton, which is at the centre of
Yogyakarta, drove the sprawl of the city in a unique and ordered pattern.
The Kraton became the cultural centre and in many ways influenced
the values and traditions of the society.
References :
1. National
Socio Economic Survey, 2004. Number of Population by Sex, Urban-Rural and Regency/City in
D.I.Yogyakarta, Available at:
2. Adrisijanti,
I. (2007, April 11-12). Kota Yogyakarta Sebagai Kawasan Pusaka Budaya: Potensi dan Permasalahannya (The City of
Yogyakarta as Cultural Heritage Region, Potencies and
Problems. Paper presented in Historical Discussion "Kota
dan Perubahan Sosial dalam Perspektif Sejarah" (Cities and Social Changes
in Historical Perspectives) . Yogyakarta: Bala Pelestarian Sejarah
dan Nilai Traditional Yogyakarta (Centre of Yogyakarta Historic Preservation
and Traditional Values).
3. Sholihah,
AB. (2005). The Role of Informal Street Activities in The Context of Urban
Cultural Entity Case Study :
Malioboro Street, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Unpublished Master Thesis.
Malaysia. UTM
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